Industries & Testimonials

Who Uses Lutech Colposcopes?

OBGYN Offices

OBGYN Offices – The LT-300 HD is the perfect colposcopy machine for the OBGYN office. These high-quality digital video colposcopes will cut down exam times while giving the user the ability to store images in their EMR system.

SANE Facilities/Prosecutors' Offices

SANE Facilities/Prosecutors’ Offices – Lutech works with many organizations that fight against sexual assault. The LT-300-HD makes gathering evidence easier for the examiner and less intrusive for the victim.

Residency programs and Education

Residency programs and Education – Lutech colposcopes, including the LT-300-HD, are used in residency programs across the United States, as well as many teaching hospitals and conferences to educate the up-and-coming generation of gynecologists. Because there are no dials and knobs to manually focus the lenses as with traditional optical colposcopes, training for the digital video colposcopes finishes 3-5 times faster. The image can be transmitted to a large screen or computer to educate a room full of residents or clinicians all at the same time.

Telemedicine/Mobile Medicine

Telemedicine/Mobile Medicine – Telemedicine is no longer the wave of the future, it's here now! The LT-300-HD has been integrated with numerous telemedicine solutions to offer convenience and cost-effective care. Lutech has partnered with several telemedicine corporations to help bring OBGYN into the telemedicine sector. We've also partnered with outreach programs for rural areas and countries that do not have ready access to women's health facilities or equipment, ensuring that care is accessible to all.

Enhanced Colposcopy Cancer Screening



Less Invasive Forensic Exams


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